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The application period is from February 1 to March 152025. Applicants are notified by email about their status in mid April. Residencies are available from mid-May to the end of September.


Actively working visual artists, writers, instrumentalists, and composers with at least two years’ experience since graduation may apply. Residencies are typically for three weeks. There is no application fee and no fee to attend.


In order to offer opportunities for more artists to attend, if you had a residency last summer (2024), please wait a year before reapplying.  You are most welcome to apply again for 2026 or inquire about a winter rental.


We encourage group applications (a combination of artistic disciplines is fine), although applications from individual artists are also welcome. When you apply as part of a group, you may pursue individual projects, collaborative projects, and/or both. Each application is reviewed separately, and the judges reserve the right to select or reject individual members of a group.


A limited number of $500 need-based grants are available. Grant applicants from historically marginalized communities are particularly encouraged to apply. If a grant will significantly affect your ability to attend, please fill out the Grants section on the application page. Applying for a grant will not affect your eligibility for a residency.


Soaring Gardens offers two locations to stay during your residency. The church provides a more intimate, private experience, with no more than two residents staying there at a time. The farmhouse offers a more communal atmosphere, with four to five residents typically staying there and utilizing the studio building next door.



To apply for a residency at Soaring Gardens:

1. Please complete the Google Forms “application” using the link above (remember to push ‘submit’ before proceeding to the second step of creating your “portfolio”).

2. Create a “portfolio” of your work using the guidelines below.

**Those applying as a group should create a single document. Each member of your group should follow the guidelines as if they were applying individually.

Soaring Gardens and the Ora Lerman Charitable Trust are dedicated to keeping the no-cost application process as simple and straightforward as possible, and we handle each application with attention to detail and respect. If you have any difficulties with the application process, please contact Jordan Oakey at


1. Google Forms Application:

(or click link above)

2. Please create a single PDF portfolio document including the requirements below.

Title your PDF by using this convention (for single applicants): “Lastname_Firstname_Medium2025” 

(eg. Mozart_Amadeus_Composer2025) 

(for group applicants):  “LastFirst_LastFirst_LastFirst_GroupMedium2025”

(e.g. VanGoghVincent_daVinciLeonardo_SeuratGeorges_GroupVisualArts2025)

Please email your PDF portfolio to


Portfolio Format and Requirements:
Please create a single PDF document including the following, organized in this order (group applicants please keep all artwork and other media together. The number of sample media applies to each member of your group; if there are two group members for visual arts, there should be 12 images):

1. Samples of your work

  • Visual Artists:

    • Six numbered images including specification captions. Please have one large image per page.

    •  Thumbnail Image list including specifications (title, media, dimensions, and year).

    • If you work in film or similar media, please provide three links to separate films, totaling no more than fifteen minutes.

  • Writers:

    • A sample or samples of your writing, totaling no more than fifteen pages.

  • Composers:

    • Links to three samples of your compositions, each no more than five minutes. Acceptable platforms include Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud, and any comparable platform. Please do not use a platform that would require a subscription of any kind (e.g. Spotify).

    • Include the written score to one of your samples with the measures that correspond to your sample. Please indicate to which link the score belongs.

  • Instrumentalists:

    • Links to four performance samples, each no more than five minutes in duration.

    • Repertoire list

    • List of performances within the last two years.


2. Project Proposal (no more than 200 words, single spaced).

GROUPS: If you are going to work collectively, please submit a single proposal, but each individual should include their anticipated contribution. If you are going to work on individual projects, each member of the group should submit their own proposal.

3. Resume/Curriculum Vitae

GROUPS: Each individual should submit their own Resume/Curriculum Vitae.


You will be notified within 48 hours after we received a complete application, or that your application is incomplete. If your application is incomplete, you will be asked to correct and resubmit; you have one chance to resubmit correctly.


**If you need to resubmit your application, please edit the pdf title accordingly, as follows: (Lastname_Firstname_Medium2025_2).

If you would like to view a sample application or would like help creating your PDF portfolio, please contact Jordan Oakey at:




Soaring Gardens is an inclusive organization and we welcome all applications from a wide
range of candidates. Selection for residencies is based on individual merit.

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