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We invite you to be a vital part of fostering creativity and empowering artists through your generous tax-deductible donations to the Ora Lerman Charitable Trust. Your contribution directly fuels the creative process, enabling artists to bring their visions to life and enrich our world with their unique expressions.

Every donation, no matter the size, plays a significant role in providing artists with the resources they need to thrive. From funding art supplies to supporting artist residencies and exhibitions, your support uplifts talented individuals and fuels the innovation that drives our cultural landscape.


Join us in championing the arts and nurturing the spirit of creativity. Your donation to the Ora Lerman Charitable Trust is an investment in the future of artistic endeavors and the enrichment of communities worldwide.


Donate today and make a lasting impact on artists and their creative journeys. Together, we can create a brighter, more vibrant world through the arts.

Thank you for your unwavering support!


Join the Soaring Gardens Artists Retreat Group page on Facebook.
The Soaring Gardens Artists Retreat is listed with ,
and is a member of the Artist Community Alliance.

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